Earth Care Awards


Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

General Question

What is the Earth Care Awards?

Earth Care Awards are established to recognize and showcase the action to mitigate and adapt to climate change. It is aimed at highlighting action of direct relevance to the countries in the region to tackle challenges posed by climate change. The award is for excellence in climate change mitigation and adaptation.

When was it established?

Earth Care Awards was established in year 2007 and in the initial three years focused on India and from year 2011-12 expanded to cover all countries in SAARC region. The awards invite applications across its categories from countries in South Asian Region – India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Maldives and Sri Lanka.

Who are promotors of awards?

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Who does the evaluation?

Centre for Environment Education, undertakes evaluation with teams and experts from JSW and other individual experts. The technical framework including questionnaire, application pack is developed by CEE and it is also responsible for short listing, field evaluation, ranking and final presentation to the Jury for selection of Awardees..

What's is the frequency of awards?

The awards are given on annual basis. On two occasions, due to external factors, awards were given on biennial basis.

How many awards are there?

There are three awards under each category. The awards don’t follow any sequence or ranking, recognizing the fact the context and solutions in climate change scenario are different at each locations. Jury reserves the right to decide on the number of awards to be given under each category, and can decide to give commendation in case there is exemplary project not fitting under any category or give none or just one if the applications don’t meet the expected benchmark set.

Application process

Is awards by application or nomination?

Is awards by application or nomination?

How many applications one can submit?

One can enter as many application under each category, provided applications are clear on the project, its time line and don’t overlap with each other. It is required that the project term must fall under the given timeline as per eligibility conditions.

Can I resubmit application, if not selected in earlier year?

Yes, it’s required that the application resubmitted must have updated data for the project duration under which it’s applied. It’s advised to have input from the awards secretariat on the reasons for not selection, to avoid any data or information gaps in resubmitted applications.

Can previous winners apply again?

Yes. Previous winners are encouraged to apply. In the same category previous winners can apply after three years while in other categories applications can be submitted in any given year.

What's the process of submitting applications?

Applications can be submitted through email or through post/courier as per the details provided in the guidebook.

Is submissions made under awards application part of public view?

All submissions made as part of the process are for limited view among the evaluators and Jury members.

Can my submissions be used for communication?

Yes, the submissions provided is used for preparing case studies and are put in public through a process involving the agency submitting the details. The details covered under IPR or marked as for limited view are not shared or communicated. The logo and photographs can be used for communication materials by awards host agencies.

Is there any support available for understanding application packs?

You can call or mail awards host agencies on the numbers/email id provided on the website. Connect at –

Evaluation and Judging

How are applications processed?

Applications received are first assessed on the checklist to verify all required documents are provided. The applications are further shortlisted and shared with the core team before it get vetted by Jury mentor/advisor for preparing the shortlist. The shortlisted applicants are visited for second stage assessment and the case presented to jury for selection of awardees.

At what stage, applicants are informed

 Applicants are informed after first stage shortlisting and to those making to second round after the jury meeting.

Do I need to provide more details later on at second stage?

Yes, the second stage process required details as per the application and category requirement. The spread and depth of details required depends on the nature of project, jury questions and verification requirement.

Why the field visit and what its objective?

The objective of the field visit is to get more clarity on the context of application, its results and views of the stakeholders involved. It provides more insights to the application and justifies the application before it reaches to the Jury stage.

How is jury involved, and process undertaken?

Jury advises on the process of evaluation, guides the assessment through mentor interaction and reviews applications visited for the field visits at the jury meeting.

Can I ask for reconsideration?

Decision taken by Jury is final and not open for any reconsideration.


How are awards information released and communicated?

Awardees are informed by awards secretariat on their status and details shared through print media on awards day or after the awards are given.

What does award entails?

 Applicants are informed after first stage shortlisting and to those making to second round after the jury meeting.

Who presents the awards?

Awards are presented either by representatives from government or by leading luminary in the field of sustainability. In the earlier versions of the awards, these were presented by Minister – Environment and other related ministries, noted scientist and dignitaries from field of environment and sustainability..

Is the awards covered by media and televised?

Yes, awards are covered by Times of India and covered on TV through recorded event. Awards videos are put on earth care awards website and promoted on YouTube and other platforms.